Friday, March 26, 2010


    Yalambar and Buddhism
Yalambar and Buddhism

Here's more info. about Kirat and the history of ancient Nepal.

Yalambar and Buddhism

            In those times, Kirat tribes ruled the Himalayas region. After the Kiratas were driven out from their ancestral homeland in Sapta Sindhu (present day Jammu Kashmir and Himanchal in northwest India), the Kiratas migrated to the east of the Himalayas and arrived in the present day Kathmandu valley, Nepal. Some continue to move further east and settled in Assam and Sikkim. In context of ancient Nepal, Yalambar became the first king of Kirat dynasty. The Kiratas cleared the forest and build the civilization in the valley. When the Roman Empire was at the zenith of its power in Europe, the Kiratas were ruling vast swaths of the mountainous land in the Himalayas from their capital in Kathmandu valley.
Historical record and closely studied on city & town planning, layout and old buildings in the Kathmandu valley showed that Kirat were civilized people of ancient Nepal. Kirati people used Brick-stone-metal-wooden to build unique architectures like "Kailaskut Bhawan". Kirat have 18 unique skills like brick, wood, metal, textile,farming, bamboo, building builder, livestock, fish farming, homeopathy, medicine, weaponry, pottery, carving, paper producing etc. Sudarshan Raj Tiwari (The brick and the bull: an account of Handigaun, the ancient capital of Nepal, 2002 ) said that Kirati people used to have Law & Order, rules &r regulation, government & justice systems. Tiwari wrote, "When the Kiratas arrived in the Kathmandu Valley from their ancestral homeland(Sapta Sindhu), they brought along with them the knowledge of the 18 building trade groups, among these the art of brick building, water tanks, drainage system etc. that build Kathmandu." The discovery of 2nd century BC brick construction by the Italian excavation team near the Satyanarayan temple gives conclusive proof that the Kiratas had advanced knowledge of brick construction. They also brought their religion. Terracota figurines of humped bulls and matrika sculptures suggest Saiva and mother goddess worship was prevalent among the local population. Whereas the Gopalas and Mahispalas were thought to have followed Vedic Hinduism with Vaisnavite inclination, the Kiratas were thought to be the followers of Shiva. Kirateswore Sivalinga and proto-Lichchvi Kali of Aryaghat are indicative of Sivaite following among Kiratas. (Tiwari, 2002) Sudarshan Raj Tiwari (Temples of the Nepal Valley, 2009) states the Bal Kumari mandir of Chyagal, Patan, was originally a Kirati temple. Apparently, there are many temples around Patan that date back to Kirati times and are rectangular in shape. They usually house Bhairav and Bhimsen, as well as Bal-Kumari Ajima and other mother goddesses which the Kirants worshiped. They are said to have been renovated during the Malla times. Yalambar was killed by Krishna in the Mahabharata war. It is to be noted that Yalambar was slain even before the battle of Mahabharata took place at the hands of Krishna fearing that Yalambar, the great warrior king would take the side of Kauravas, foe of Krishna and Pandavas Kings who arrived from northern India in search of conquering others land. As of April 15 2009, Nepali year is 2067. Right now the New Nepali Constitution is planning a draft to use Kirat's calendar (Kirat Yele Sambat). Kirat Yele Sambat commemorated the brave Kirat king Yalambar who ruled more than 5067 years ago in central Nepal. During the conference, senior historians Prof. Jagadish Chandra Regmi and Prof. Dineshraj Pant presented a paper regarding the use of Kirat Yele Sambat. According to Kirat calendar (Kirat Yele Sambat) Nepal turned 5070 as of Friday 15th Jan 2010. Every year, Kirat New Year (Yele Dong) starts on the day of Nepali maghe sakranti which falls on 15th Jan. With the commencement of Kirat Yele Sambat 5070, it is a time to rejoice for all Nepalese as this makes Nepal as one of the oldest civilization. Other civilization that is more than 5000 years are ancient Mesopotamia, Chinese and ancient India. It is therefore a great way to remember him by observing "Yalambar Day" I understood that Nepalese in United Kingdom and HongKong have started observing and celebrating Yalambar Day from last year. Hopefully Nepal would soon start observing and celebrate "Yalambar Day". After all Yalambar gave us our Nepali identity. Cause without Yalambar, Nepal would never have existed today. Nepal would have become part of India. Now about Buddhism: 563 B.C. Prince Siddhartha Gautama (Lord Buddha) born in Lumbini, south Nepal. He was born into King Suddhodana Gautama and his queen Mayadevi, rulers of the Shakya tribe of Kapilavastu region near Lumbini. He came to Kathmandu valley during the rule of the 7th Kirati ruler, King Jitedasti. The fact was that the life of Buddha was not a myth but reality comes from one of the inscriptions in the pillar erected by King Asoka in 239 BCE. The inscriptions read Here was the Enlightened One born. During the rule of the 14th Kirat King Sthunko, the Indian Emperor Ashoka also came to the Kathmandu Valley with his daughter, princess Charumati. During his stay in the valley, he had four stupas built in four directions and one in the centre of Patan. The stupa still stand in the Patan outside Lagankhel market. Today the UNESCO has declared Kapilavastu, and Lumbini, as a World Heritage site. The only reason why Buddhism survived in the world is because Kirat's King were tolerant and kind of others religion & culture. Kirat did not embrace Buddhism because the Kirat have their own religion & culture called "Mundhum" based on nature & ancestors worship, which have been in existence since their time in Indus Valley. But the Kirat still welcome Buddha and his teachings anyway. Had it been Hindu or Muslim rulers ruling in that time, Buddhism never have survived today as in the case of India. So in the next Yalambar Day, Nepalese from all walks of life must come and celebrate this festival to show our independent cultural identity from Indian festival. Other cultural festival that identify us Nepalese from Indian are the Tihar & Deusi Bhailo that was started by Kirati King Balihang. Forward this to your friends, my friend. We need to correct all the wrongs that has been written in the context of Nepali history if Nepal is to progress. Many of the history taught in Nepalese school before are fictitious by nature and never told the truth. The Hindu Shah & Rana government who had ruled Nepal with iron fist and discrimination for this past 200 years have hidden many historical and important aspects of early history of Nepal up to the point that Kirat history is almost forgotten. Even you must have heard this for the first time. But i understand. But today the new Constitution of Nepal are trying to establish the new education model on spreading the truth. We need to be true about ourselves if Nepal is to go forward. Hope you will start celebrating Yalambar day with other Nepalese there.

Here's the video of last Yalambar day in the United Kingdom.
Yalambar Day (Aug 2009): Maan ki Chari
01 Aug 2009, yo chai hamro dance ho...........................