Monday, May 25, 2009

Chandra Prakash Sunuwar
Kiranti people are very ancient tribe in history .actually nobody khows when they came in nepal because these people are mentioned in ancient religion book of hindu like BED,PURAN,MAHABHART,SWASTHANI BRATA KATHA,HIMAVAT KHANDA ETC.These people are also mentioned in ancient Greek history, Chinese history and holy book of Sikh guru nanak.In Mahabharata once lord siba was went to nepal disguising himself as kiranti hunter and lord siba was again having incarnation of kiranti hunter and hunting around pasupatinath in SLESHMANTAK BAN.This can approved that kiranti people were already in nepal since ancient time actually no body’s knows the fact. According to Mahabharata when vimsen defeated the seven kirant king in northern India that time to make him happy beautiful kirant ladys were bringing him mountain medicine,gold,silver and other precious is also mentioned that beautiful kiranti kanya was digging the medicine in mountain with golden khurpi{a kind of tool.}Kiranti NEW YEAR it’s been already THE YEAR 5063 which is considered The kiranti king yalamber stablish that new year which is called YELE SAMBAT. In wallo kirant of kiranti people used to celebrate this new year in the time of MAGHE SIRI PANCHAMI OR SUKLA PANCHAMI because these days are always considered lucky day for kiranti people.It is believe that yalamber was formed the kingdom in that day. This can prove that kiranti were exist before 5000 years ago.When they defeated by Litchchivi Again they formed 3 kirant kingdom in east.It is myth and believe that wallo kirant king BINICHA establish his kingdom in this precious day maghe sukla panchami.Once upon time they were not only in nepal but they used to ruled and lived from all the Himalayan range from Pakistan,Afghanistan all the Northern India like Himanchal Pradesh ,Nagaland ,Silang,Sikkim,Darjeeling to Compochia and Vietnam.Nowadays these kiranti are disappear and disguised themselves as local people for proof still you can find kulung people in TAIWAN AND CHINA They are tribe from our kulung Rai,Sunuwar are called KOICH OR KOICHI still you can find KOICH Tribe in JAPAN{LIKE KOICHI TANAKA,KOICHI SUGIYAMA,KOICHI NAKATA,KOICHI TOGO,KOICHI MURAYAMA ETC}.In sunuwar language koich for male and koichim for woman exactly Japanese tribe said koich for male and koichim for women. They are very famous tribe or surname they are considered migrated from china before 5000 YEARS ago. so on ancient kiranti were NAGA from Assam and Burma.KHAMER from Cambodia{Who believe their ancestor were kiranti and came from Assam.Khamerouge or khamer guerrillas are world famous and well known people.khamer empire was so large who used to rule all Indochina,Thailand,Vietnam,laos,malayasia part of china. According to professor GERRY NORMAN AND TSU-LIU MEI Mon Khmer kiranti people meet Chinese in Yangtze region between 1000 BC and 500 BC. Yangtze king valley was non Chinese specially Khmer kirant used to live}KHASI from silang,LEPCHA from sikkim,DRUKPA from Bhutan, HAZARA tribe from Afghanistan and Pakistan as well{Who used to build giant tallest stone BUDDHA in Afghanistan but this was destroyed by Taliban hitting by missile during the Taliban regime}.Even kiranti language on the basis of verbal agreement morphology the kiranti family has been compared to the QIANGIC and NUNGISH groups spoken Respectively in Sichuan china and the china - Burma Boarder area which is written by {THURGOOD 1984}It can prove that ancient kiranti were completely disguised and vanished themselves in local people of that country. According to Sunuwar kirant bansawali Assamis and Tripura people were same race with kiranti.The Tripura people are considered part of Tibeto-Burmese ethnic group.Origionally they migrated from near the Upper courses of YANGTZE KIANG and HWANG HO river in western china. long before the SUI DYNESTY came to power. At the time of migration they were ANIMIST. So it may be reasonably assumed that they migrated before 65 AD, The year Buddhism was introduced in china. The Common reference to these people as KIRANTS AND CINAS in the early SANSKRIT TEXTS OF India unmistakably indicates that they came down to the Assam valley long before the dawn of Christian era. Tripura were able to expand their influence as far as CHITTAGONG, as far west as COMILLA and NOAKHALI.Not only Nepal but Tripura as well known as KIRANT DESHE{LAND OF KIRANT} In ancient time and assumed migrated during hunting age according to anthropology. MANIPUR AND HASTINAPUR city was so famous and centre of civilization in ancient India. There is too many myth and legendary folk tales about ancient Manipuri kiranti king and civilization. These people were BALI PUJAK.the way of worship{Bali puja bidhi}of kamacha Devi’s temple in Assam is considered kiranti bidhi{way}. KOTI HOM was kiranti dharma{Bali puja}Still the wallo kiranti sunuwar celebrate this koti home puja.It’s called GIL PUJA which you have to sacrifice 360 animal of earth and all sort of grain of earth, you have to prepare hundred of thousand of MURIS wine. Hundred of jhakri,bijuwa and many different kind of NASO{Mundhum pujari} continues praying. In ancient time it used to long last more then 6 month. This gil puja is very expensive you can’t do by yourself has to be done by community so this koti hom or gil puja start to disappear Which one is greatest kiranti religion According to sunuwar kirant bansawali when the kirant come down from the Mongolia to the Indian continent and start to migrate to westward of Himalayan range from Assam to nepal who left in northern India these kirants are called Naga,gora,bora,chapera,villa,khasia. Still these people are pure mongoloied people. The rest one branch of kiranti who entered the nepal and start to ruled.Decendant of these kirantis later became sunuwar ,rai,limbu and yakha.When kirantis were defeated from Kathmandu valley again they regrouped and establish 3 kirant kingdom in east like WALLO KIRANT,MAJH KIRANT AND PALLO KIRANT.This new kirant kingdom was start from SANGA BHANJYANG HILL in Kathmandu{from west} to SIKKIM IN{east}.They marked the Boarder with erecting THARO{ancient way of marking the boarder}.SUNUWAR are called wallo kirant,Rai are called majh kirant,and limbus are called pallo kirant.That time First king of wallo kirant was king Binicha whose kingdom was Bhuji kot gaun in Ramechchap district. Then after other kings And queens were MAFAI RANI MAFAI RAJA,GOLMA RANI GOLMA RAJA,CHUPHAI RANI CHUPHAI RAJA,KALO RANI KALO RAJA,HUNPIN RANI HUPIN RAJA,THAKU RANI THAKU RAJA,GOSAI RANI GOSAI RAJA,NAISA RANI NAISA RAJA etc but these things only left in secret mantra of {Dhami,Jhakri,Bijuwa,Nasho,Baidang and Mundum}Pureley which was recorded in Bhag pahilo kiranti bansawali it is myth that it was written with the blood and gold so you can see blood golden colour. Which was purely written in KAIKE{ancient kiranti script, Nowadays wallo kiranti people trying to copy that kaike lipi by the help of old peoples which is already released long time ago. If you interested then you can find in sunuwar welfare society}. All of these proof and precious book were destroyed by rana government. That time they were specially open office for to destroy all of these recorded historical book,bansawali,lal mohar,tamra patra,silapatra ,bhoj patra of kiranti people. Office was used to called Jatiya nasta bivag(Gopal guung}.kirantichap darwar of dolakha district which was built by wallo kiranti king, same thing kiranti dhara and chautara of mirge village of dolakha district was build by wallo kiranti king still this Dhara is called Banja Dhara by local Tamang people that means sunuwar kiranti dhara in Tamang language. Still there is many kiranti grave in Jiri,Sindhupalchok and Kavre palanchok,Chyane,Trisule in Thulopatal{Village Development Committee} of dolakha district. Ancient kirant were fierce fighter, deft archers hunters and trappers so still kiranti sunuwar are called DUWAL BANDHI SIKARI.In ancient time sunuwar people they used to take A DALO{Basket} of humming bird{Phista chara},Leg of WILD BOAR,DEER{Specially jharl and ghoral}and wines in marriage proposal because he has to show the hunting skill. As being hunter. By gone days when other tribes apart from kirant if they go in jungle or top of the hill they used to say {Rachcha gara sikari kirant}.Still in village people scared to become sick in time of morning, evening and place like top of the hill, jungle because they have belief kiranti archer shoot the arrow on them if they show disrespect in such place. Still in chandi festival they kill the buffalo and pigs by shooting arrow keeping their hunting tradition. When they get angry they crossed the border it’s extreme so they are given symbol name of CHITUWA AND KIRUWA.When the gurkha kingdom seized the land of kirant with the help of conspiracy kirantis were given many many positions and greed’s like MUKHIYA,SUBBA,RAI,DEWAN,GIMI,GIMWAL,THALU,PANCHAYEN,GAURUN and TAMRAPATRA,LAL MOHOR Which they have done guarantee that kiranti lands always belongs to kiranti.Which can never seized by others .like in Limbus tamra patra it is written and sign by prithivinarayan shah. In that tamra patra it says{UDHO JAGAR,UBHO BAGAR KHOLAKO TITE MANCHA SAMMA TOLAI,AKAS KO CHANDRA SURYE PATALKO BASUKI YEDI MERA SANTAN LE TERHA PUSTA BHITRA TERA RAJYA PHIRTA NADIYE NEPAL KHALBALINE CHA}.Same thing sunuwar has Lal mohar. During the Rana period very known and legendary THALU WAS PARAT JIJICHA SUNUWAR.Who got the royal seal from rana government at that time appointing THALU {position} of all eastern kiranti region. He can go as far as he like to decide the reeds{mudda}He was the ultimate power above the law in that area. He used to born in Ward no 3 surke village development committee in Rasnalu.He used to be very wealthy man. He had 500 cattle’s uncountable Goats,Sheeps and land which you cannot view bye your naked eye need to walk whole day to cover it. His descendant are still alive if we try to find more about him then certainly we can get more knowledge about him. The Kiratas (Sanskrit) mentioned in early Hindu texts are the tribals or Adivasi (aborigines) of the land. They are mentioned along with Cinas (Chinese). The Kirata (Sanskrit) is a generic term in Sanskrit literature for people who lived in the mountains, particularly in the Himalayas and North-East India and who were Mongoloid in origin. They are mentioned along with Cinas (Chinese), and were different from the Nishadas.[1] They are first mentioned in the Yajurveda (Shukla XXX.16; Krisha III.4,12,1), and in the Atharvaveda (X.4,14) . Yajur Veda describing the "handsome" mountain people and hunters in the forests and deadly warriors. In Manu's Dharmashastra (X.44) they are mentioned as degraded Kshatriyas, which meant that they were considered to be of advanced civilization, but outside the ambit of Brahminical influence. It is speculated that the term is a Sanskritization of a Sino-Tibetan tribal name, like that of Kirant or Kiranti of eastern Nepal. Kirati languages belong to Tibeto-Burman family of Languages . Kiratas have been identified as the present day Rai, Limbu and Sunuwar of Nepal. Ghatotkacha of Mahabharata fame (Son of Bhima) was a Kirata Chieftain.In Yoga Vasistha 1.15.5 Rama speaks of kirAteneva vAgurA, "a trap [laid] by Kiratas", so about BCE Xth Century, they were thought of as jungle trappers, the ones who dug pits to capture roving deer. The same text also speaks of King Suraghu, the head of the Kiratas who is a friend of the Persian King, Parigha.The most famous Kiratas in Hinduism. Kirata Kingdom in Sanskrit literature and Hindu mythology refers to any kingdom of the Kirata people, who were dwellers mostly in the Himalayas (mostly eastern Himalaya) and North-East India. They took part in the Kurukshetra War along with Parvatas (mountaineers) and other Himalayan tribes. They were wide-spread in the folds and valleys of Himalayas in Nepal and Bhutan, and in the Indian states of Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam and Tripura.Though dwelling in the Himalayas and other inaccessible regions, Kiratas did not get the status of super-humans enjoyed by other tribes like the Gandharvas, Kinnaras, Kimpurushas and Yakshas. This was probably because of their greater interaction with the Vedic people, which resulted in their de-mystification.The Kirats were the aborigines of north-eastern Himalayas . According to Baburam Acharya, they came to Nepal in about 700 B.C. and ruled over it. They were short and had robust bodies, broad cheeks, flat noses, thin whiskers, and dark eyes. They were well trained in the art of warfare, and were very skilful archers. They were the ancestors of the present day Kiratas: - Kulung, Thulung and Yellung. Yalamber, the first Kirati king of Nepal belonged to the Yellung clan. According to the Kiranti genealogy, collected by Wright, twenty-nine Kings of the Kirant dynasty ruled over Nepal for 1,118 years. Some historians claim, the number of Kirati rulers was not twenty-nine but thirty-two. Irrespective of the number, the fact is that Yalambar was the first and Gasti was the last king of this dynastyAltogether, there were 29 kings of this dynasty who ruled over Nepal for about 1225 years But according to kirant bansawali record there is 34 kiranti king who ruled the Nepal . According to the chronicle (Bamsavali) of Kirkpatrick, Kiratas ruled over Nepal from about 900 B.C. to 300 A.D. During this long period, altogether 29 Kirat Kings ruled over the country'.The twenty-nine Kings were : 1.Yalambar 2.Pari 3. Skandhar 4.Balamba 5.Hriti 6.Humati 7.Jitedasti 8.Galinja 9.Oysgja 10.Suyarma 11.Papa 12.Bunka 13.Swawnanda 14.Sthunko 15.Jinghri 16.nane 17.luka 18.Thor 19.Thoko 20.Verma 21.Guja 21.Guja 22.Pushkar 23.kKeshu 24.Suja 25.Sansa 26.Gunam 27.Khimbu 28.Patuka 29.Gasti On the basis of the Puranas and other ancient religious texts, it is presumed that the Kiratas ruled in Nepal after Gopal and Mahipal. The first king of the Kiratas was Yalamber, who defeated Bhuvan Singh, the last king of Ahir dynasty and established Kirat rule in Nepal . He extended his kingdom as far as the Tista river in the east and the Trishuli in the west. It is said that during the battle of Mahabharata, Yalamber went to witness the battle with a view to take the side of the losing party. Lord Krishna, knowing the intention of Yalamber and the strength and unity of the Kiratas, thought that the war would unnecessarily be prolonged if Yalamber sided with the Kauravas. So, by a clever stroke of diplomacy, Lord Krishna cut off Yalamber's head.Here I would like to describe how yalambers head landed in Nepal and later became worship place of nepali the AKASH BHAIRAB.Akash Bhairav, the temple of the Kirat King slain during the epic battle of Mahabharata………….The Kirats are the first documented rulers of the Kathmandu Valley . The remains of their palace are said to be in Patan near Hiranyavarna Mahavihara (called “Patukodon”).The first and best remembered king was Yalambar. Legend has it that when Yalamber heard about the great battle that was fought in the distant plains of Kurukshetra, he too wanted to participate in this battle. So donning a fierce and silver mask of Bhairab, the Lord of Terror, he went with his army. At the battle field he was met by Lord Krishna who asked him whose side he was on. He replied that he would take the side of the losing army. Lord Krishna fearing that the fearsome warrior would join the Kauravas, decapitated his head with such force that it flew past the Himalayas to Kathmandu and rested at the place where the Akash Bhairab temple now stands. The temple, a three storey structure now stands in the busy square of Indra Chowk But according to sunuwar kiranti bansawali it was not yalamber but was kirant eklabya who went to mahabharat war taking only 3 arrows which he can destroy heaven,earth and hell.Even krisna was not mighty like him so he killed him with the help of conspiracy.Nepal is a very ancient country, which was ruled by many dynasties in the past. Among them, the Kirant rule is taken as a very significant one, being the longest period that extended from pre-historic to historic period. In ancient Hindu scriptures, Nepal is referred as the "Kirant Desh" or "the Land of Kirants ".Kirants were indigenous people of Mongolian race with stout and short stature, high cheekbones, flat noses, narrow black eyes and thin moustaches and beards. They were brave and doughty warriors and very deft archers. Before the advent of the Kirants, there were Ahir and Abhir rule in the valley. Yalambar, the first Kirant King, overthrew the last king of Abhir dynasty Bhuban Shima. Thus, after defeating the last ruler of Abhir dynasty, Yalambar laid the foundation of the Kirat dynasty that lasted for about 1225 years. When Kirants occupied the valley, they made Matatirtha their capital. The Kirant kingdom during the rule of Yalambar had extended to All mountain range in west to afganstan and assam to the East. The Kirants revere him as the God King.It was during the rule of Jitedasti, the 7th Kirant king, Lord Gautama Buddha visited the valley with his several disciples. He visited the holy places of Swayambhu, Suheswari, etc and preached his religious gospels. Kirants in the valley refused to follow his doctrine, but welcomed Lord Buddha and his disciples. It is also said that King Jitedasti had helped the Pandavas in the battle of Mahabharata. It shows, of course, a historical anachronism; because according to another legend, the battle Mahabharata had taken place during the regime of King Yalambar.During the rule of the 4th Kirant King Sthunko about 2250 BC, the Indian Emperor Ashoka had his inspections engraved on rocks and a stone-pillar. The pillar known as Ashoka-pillar still stands in Lumbini, the birthplace of Gautama Buddha. This historical monument was unknown to the world until Dr. Fuher discovered it in December 1985. Nepal Government has prepared a master-plan to protect and develop the Lumbini region as a religious tourism destination.Emperor Ashoka also came to the Kathmandu Valley later. His daughter Princess Charumati accompanied him. During his stay in the valley, he built four stupas in four directions and one in the centre of Patan. These monuments speak of the historical fact of Ashoka's visit to the valley. Another fact is he arranged his daughter Charumati's marriage with a local young Prince named Devpal. Prince Devpal and his consort Charumati lived at Chabahil, near the Pashupatinath temple area. Later, Charumati built the touss of Devpatan after the death of her husband in his memory. Charumati who later on became a nun also got erected a convent where she resided and practiced Lord Buddha's doctrine.Buddhism, thus entered Nepal and flourished during the liberal rule of the Kirant dynasty. Like Buddhism, another religious doctrine Jainism was being preached the same time by Mahavir Jain in India . In this regard, Bhadrabhau, a disciple of Mahavir Jain came to Nepal in about 300 BC when the 17th Kirant king Jinghri was ruling. But comparatively, Jainism could not gain popularity like Buddhism in Nepal .When the 28th Kirant King Paruka was ruling in the valley, the Sombanshi ruler attacked his regime many times from the west. Although he successfully repelled their attacks, he was forced to move to Shankhamul from Gokarna. He had built a Royal Palace called "Patuka" there for himself. The Patuka Palace is no more to be seen, except its ruins in the form of mound. "Patuka" had changed Shankhamul into a beautiful town. The last King of the Kirant dynasty was Gasti. He proved to be a weak ruler and was overthrown by the Sombanshi ruler Nimisha. It brought to the end of the powerful Kirant dynasty that had lasted for about 1225 years.After their defeat, Kirants moved to the eastern hills of Nepal and settled down divided into small principalities. Their settlements were divided into three regions; namely, "Wallo-Kirant" or "near Kirant"{SUNUWAR} that lied to the East of Kathmandu,From Banepa to Dudh koshi "Majh-Kirant"{RAI} or "central Kirant"From Dudh koshi to Arun koshi and "Pallo-Kirant"{LIMBU} that lied to the far east of the Kathmandu valley From Arun koshi to sikkim. These regions are still heavily populated by Kirants.Among the 3 kirant’s Sunuwar are the least in number because they were the main shield for kiranti region situated in west.Whatever the invasion come from enemy they would be prime target.Since lichavi,malla and shah period they were facing prime attack.There is myth when malla king stablish his palace or fort to capture kiranti region in Dolakha.Wallo kiranti king were keep fighting with them and succeed to repeal.So they were saving kipata of kiranti but finally they loose with shah king not with the war but consipiracy.Later they easily capture majh kirant but stuck in pallo kirant because limbus seen what’s happen in wallo kirant and majh kirant already.Wallo kiranti warrior helped prithivi narayan to capture kirtipur which he lost twice. Finally kiranti warrior succeeds to capture and make him victorious. They were doing this because to make him happy and not to attack kiranti land but instead he overrun later.MUKHIYA title was given by prithivi narayan shah for sunuwar not to rebel against gorkha kingdom.That time mukhiya position was very big and powerfull it means Head Man of wallo kiranti region.They used to collect all tax from that region.CIVILISATION AND CULTURE DURING KIRAT PERIODThe long rule of the Kirants manifests that they were strong and well organized people. Their society, administrative system and economy were well organized. Later, their successors Lichchhavis also gave due importance to their legacy. They exerted great influences not only in the valley, but also outside of it in the eastern region. We still find many places, hills and rivers that are named in Kirant languages.Kirants enjoyed a free and open society. There was no gender discrimination. To facilitate justice system in the public, law courts were established at many places and effective laws were made to deal with crimes and offences. Nepal had trade link with India , Tibet (then a free country) and China . Nepalese businessmen carried out trade with these countries. Nepal chiefly exported wool, woollen goods, timber and herbs. Chanakya has mention in his famous book "Kautilya Arthasastra" that Nepalese blankets had a big market in Bihar , then called Magadh. As there was more financial prosperity in trade, more people were engaged in business than in agriculture. This factor also led to the migration of people of different racial origins with their own customs and cultures to Nepal . In course of time, these people merged into the main national system and formed part of a nation, thus helping to create and develop a healthy feeling of nationalism and brotherhood.By religion, Kirants were originally nature worshippers. They worshipped the sun, the moon, rivers, trees, animals and stones. Their primeval deities are Paruhang and Sumnima. Hinduism was introduced to and imposed on the Kirants only after the conquest of Gorkhali rulers whose root was in India . Kirants were quite tolerant and liberal to other religions. That was why Buddhism flourished during the Kirant rule in Nepal . Buddhism had rekindled a new interest and attitude among the people. Kirants had also built many towns. Shankhamul, Matatirtha, Thankot, Khopse, Bhadgoan and Sanga were prosperous cities with dense population. Thus, it can be safely said that the Kirant period had paved the way for further development and progress of Nepal in all sectors in future
References in Mahabharata
The Yamas, Kamvojas, Gandharas, Kiratas and Barbaras were mentioned together as northern tribes at (12,206). In the Krita age, they were nowhere on earth (meaning Ancient India). It is from the Treta age that they have had their origin and began to multiply. When the terrible period came, joining Treta and the Dwapara, the Kshatriyas, approaching one another, engaged themselves in battle.---Another group comprising Andrakas, Guhas, Pulindas, Savaras, Chuchukas, Madrakas were also mentioned along with the first group.The Yavanas, the Kiratas, the Gandharvas, the Chinas, the Savaras, the Barbaras, the Sakas, the Tusharas, the Kankas, the Pathavas, the Andhras, the Madrakas, the Paundras, the Pulindas, the Ramathas, the Kamvojas were mentioned together as tribes beyond the kingdoms of Aryavarta. The Aryavarta-kings had doubts on dealing with them. (12,64)Kiratas in the list of ancient Indian kingdomKiratas were mentioned as an ancient Indian tribe along with the Pundras, the Bhargas the Sudeshnas, and the Yamunas, the Sakas etc and again along with the Sudra-Abhiras, the Dardas, the Kasmiras, and the Pattis; the Khasiras; the Atreyas, the Bharadwajas, the Stanaposhikas, the Poshakas, the Kalingas, the Tomaras, the Hansamargas, and the Karamanjakas; at(6,9)
Kiratas as a Mlechha tribe
Kiratas were mentioned along with Khasas, Chivukas and Pulindas and Chinas, Hunas, Pahlavas, Sakas, Yavanas, Savaras, Paundras, Kanchis, Dravidas, Sinhalas and Keralas. All these tribes were described as Mlechha tribes. Here they were described as the protectors of sage Vasistha and his cow against the attack of king Viswamitra. (1,177).Kiranti were enemy of indo Aryan vedic people who always fought against them. Mleccha (from Vedic Sanskrit mleccha, meaning "non-Aryan, barbarian") is a derogatory term for people who did not conform with the moral and religious norms of the Indo-Aryan society. The term is not attested in the Vedas, but occurs for the first time in the late Vedic text Shatapatha Brahmana. The law giver Baudhâyana defines a Mleccha as someone "who eats cow meat or indulges in self-contradictory statements or is devoid of righteousness and purity of conduct."That time of kiranti people used to eat cow meat. In the epic Mahabharata, some Mleccha warriors are described as having "heads completely shaved or half-shaved or covered with matted locks, [as being] impure in habits, and of crooked faces." They are "dwellers of hills" and "denizens of mountain-caves." In ancient India , this term was also applied by the Aryan kingdoms to foreigners. In Bhagavata Purana and medieval literature, such as that of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the term is used in the context of meat eaters, outcastes.Most of these mentioned mlechcha tribe were mongoloied people from central asia.Like khasas belive to be from khasakastan they were mongoloied people.
Territories of Kiratas
Kirata territories extended along the Himalayan belt of mountain ranges.Kiratas of diverse regions in ancient IndiaNumberless chiefs of the Kiratas, armed with hunting weapons and ever engaged in hunting activities, eating of fruits and roots and attired in skins (animal-skins or tree-barks), were mentioned to dwell on the northern slopes of the Himavat (Tibet) and on the mountain from behind which the sun rises (Arunachal Pradesh) and in the region of Karusha on the sea-coast (could be the mouths of Ganga in Bangladesh or the mouths of Sindhu in Pakistan) and on both sides of the Lohitya mountains (in eastern Assam and western Arunachal Pradesh). They were mentioned as bringing tribute to Yudhisthira during his Rajasuya sacrifice. They brought with them, loads upon loads of sandal and aloe as also black aloe, and heaps upon heaps of valuable skins and gold and perfumes, and ten thousand serving-girls of their own race, and many beautiful animals and birds of remote countries, and much gold of great splendour procured from mountains (2,51). The Kairatas (Kiratas), the Daradas, the Darvas, the Suras, the Vaiamakas, the Audumvaras, the Durvibhagas, the Kumaras, the Paradas along with the Vahlikas, the Kashmiras, the Ghorakas also were mentioned, here as bringin tributesThe various tribes of Kiratas were mentioned along with the Pahlavas and the Daradas and Yavanas and Sakas and the Harahunas and Chinas and Tukharas and the Sindhavas and the Jagudas and the Ramathas and the Mundas and the inhabitants of the kingdom of women and the Tanganas and the Kekayas and the Malavas and the inhabitants of Kasmira. They were described as accepting the sway of Yudhisthira, performing various offices in his palace. (3,51)The Kiratas, fierce in battle, dwelling in the fastness of Himavat, were vanquished by Karna for the sake of Duryodhana (7,4).Actually kiranti territories in past was too huge which is not only in east asia but also in west as far as ancient messopotamia present day of IRAQ. Sir Jhon Hammerton ancient history it's been said that there is relation between Kirat civilization and ancient Babylon and Mesopotamia.What it can clearly prove that kiranti were known in west as well not only in Indian continent.
Kiratas under the Himalayan kingdom called Pulinda
Pulinda king is described as the king of Kiratas also at (2,4). He is said to attend the inauguration of the new court of Pandava king Yudhisthira at Indraprastha along with many other kings of Ancient India (Bharata Varsha). His kingdom lied to close to the Kailas range in Tibet.Domains of king Suvahu, the lord of the Pulindas, is mentioned as situated on the Himalayas abounding in horses and elephants, densely inhabited by the Kiratas and the Tanganas, crowded by hundreds of Pulindas, frequented by the exotic tribes, and rife with wonders. Pandavas stayed here for some time on their onward-journey to the Himalayan regions (3,140).Then all those warriors, viz the Pandavas having in due course happily lived at Badari (Badrinath, Uttarakhand), for one month, proceeded towards the realm of Suvahu, king of the Kiratas, by following the same track by which they had come. And crossing the difficult Himalayan regions, and the countries of China, Tukhara, Darada and all the climes of Kulinda, rich in heaps of jewels, those warlike men reached the capital of Suvahu (3,176).Their final destination was the source of Yamuna. Thus they could have made a circular path, from Badari (Badrinath) to Tibet and Kashmir and finally to Himachal Pradesh.
Kiratas under Paundraka Vasudeva
There was a king named Paundraka Vasudeva, who was an enemy of Vasudeva Krishna. This king used to dress like Vasudeva Krishan and mock him. He mentioned to rule over the kingdoms of Vanga (West Bengal), Pundra (north-Bangladesh) and Kiratas (2,14). The Kiratas mentioned here were those lived in northern hilly regions of West Bengal, like the Darjiling area.
Kiratas under Bhagadatta
Kiratas (of Bhutan) and Chinas were mentioned as forming the army of Pragjyotisha (Assam) king Bhagadatta (5,19). This army took part in the Kurukshetra War for the sake of Kauravas and its size was one Akshouhini (a huge army unit).Kiratas conquered by BhimaBhima, during his military campaign in the eastern countries to collect tribute for Pandava king Yudhisthira's Rajasuya sacrifice, conquered Kirata kings, close to the Videha KingdomBhima, the son of Pandu, sending forth expeditions from Videha Kingdom, conquered the seven kings of the Kiratas living about the Indra mountain (2,29). These were considered to be the Kiriatas in Nepal.Kiratas conquered by NakulaNakula during his military campaign in the western countries to collect tribute for Pandava king Yudhisthira's Rajasuya sacrifice, conquered Kiratas in the western hillsNakula, the son of Pandu, then reduced to subjection the fierce Mlechchas residing on the sea coast (in Karachi area), as also the wild tribes of the Palhavas (an Iranian tribe), the Kiratas, the Yavanas and the Sakas (2,31). These Kiratas lied in the western mountains in Pakistan.Kiratas in Kurukhsetra WarKiratas (of Bhutan) and Chinas were part of the one Akshouhini of troops of Pragjyotisha (Assam) king Bhagadatta who joined the side of the Kauravas(5,19).Western Kiratas were mentioned along with the Sakas, and Yavanas, the Sivis and the Vasatis as marching in the huge army of Kauravas (5,198). The Sakas, the Kiratas, the Yavanas, and the Pahlavas were mentioned in a battle-array formed by the Kauravas (6,20). Similarly they are mentioned in another battle-array formed on another day at (6,50).Words of Satyaki a Yadava chief on the side of Pandavas, during Kurukshetra War:- Those other elephants 700 in number, all cased in armour and ridden by Kiratas, and decked with ornaments, the king of the Kiratas, desirous of his life, had formerly presented to Arjuna. These were formerly employed in doing good to Yudhisthira. Behold the vicissitudes that time brings about, for these are now battling against Yudhisthira. Those elephants are ridden by Kiratas difficult of defeat in battle. They are accomplished in fighting from elephants, and are all sprung from the race of Agni. Formerly, they were all vanquished in battle by Arjuna. They are now waiting for me carefully, under the orders of Duryodhana. Slaying with my shafts these Kiratas difficult of defeat in battle, I shall follow in the track of Arjuna (7,109).The Tusharas, the Yavanas, the Khasas, the Darvabhisaras, the Daradas, the Sakas, the Kamathas, the Ramathas, the Tanganas the Andhrakas (obivously not the southern Andhras), the Pulindas, the Kiratas of fierce prowess, the Mlecchas, the Mountaineers, and the races hailing from the sea-side, were all united in battle for the purpose of the Kaurava king Duryodhana. (8,73)The ruler of the Kiratas died in battle (8,5).A Naga named Lohita was mentioned at (2,9) along with other prominent Naga {kiranti} kings like Vasuki, Takshaka and Airavata.Naga King Lohita ruled a territory close to the Kasmira. Arjuna has visited this kingdom during his military campaign to the north, to collect tribute for Yudhisthira's Rajasuya sacrifice. :- Arjuna then defeated the brave Kshatriyas of Kashmira and also kirant king Lohita along with ten minor chiefs. (2,26).Having acknoledgement bravery and honesty of kiranti people later Arjuna became so much impressed with this kiranti people of asssam and decided to make permanent friendship with kiranti people so he was mentioned married with naga kiranti lady of manipur. Mahabharata tradition of being the seat of the Naga king Citravahana, whose daughter Citrangada was married to Arjuna.Ancient kiranti were nature worshipper and used to worship snake as well.This kind of all ancient religion were adopted or stolen by this indo Aryan people and made their religion.The snake - worship is more widely distributed and developed in more interesting forms, among the various tribes of Assam. Among the Khasis of Assam the most remarkable form of serpent-worship is that of U Thlen, a gigantic snake which demands to be appeased by the sacrifice of human victims, and for whose sake murders have been committed.In ancient time the ancestral god of the royal family is a snake called Pakhangba. The Rabhas worship a serpent God which once dwelt in a cave and was propitiated by the annual sacrifice of a boy and a girl.Because of this reason kiranteshore mahadev always seems carring snake on his neck.Manipur kiranti land in ancient time was so much developed and wealthy. Literally, the word ‘Manipur’ means a jewel of a land, and the state is set like a gem in the wavy mountains. According to legend, Lord Shiva and his wife Parvati danced in the valleys of Manipur accompanied with the Ghandharvas to the celestial light of Mani (jewel) from the head of the Atishesha, a serpant and that is how it has come to be called Manipuri. This dance is an inherent part of the rituals of daily life and it is performed on religious occasions and in temples throughout the region.Naga Ananta was the first among all the Naga kiranti kings. The second Naga chief Vasuki had the kingdom near Kailasa (hence the connection of Vasuki with lord Siva). The third chief Takshaka, in Takshasila both not far from Anantnag. The kingdoms of other Nagas like Karkotaka and Airavata (near Iravati River (Ravi, one among the five rivers of Punjab) were also not far away. Nagas{kiranti} had kingdoms in Nagaland and Andhra Pradesh. Arjuna's wife Ulupi was from one of such Naga kingdom (in Gangetic Plain) Arjuna's another wife Chitrangada who also was known to Ulupi was from Manipur. There are now many Naga worshiping places in South India, especially in Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.Actually this nag was not really human form of nag but one group of kiranti naga who used to worship nag and they claim they are decendant of nag.Who used to rule carrying many different kind of snake.Even making statue,picture,on flag{like on flag of bhutan you can see dragon and many chinese flag} and even real snake in their throne.So for their naga kiranti king aryan people start to give them many many name like kali nag,shesh nag,karkotak nag,vashuki nag actually all of them were kiranti people..still chinese people claim they are decendant of dragon{another form of gigantic snake}.Still bhutan is called land of thunder dragon in ancient time bhutan used to called kirant deshe{land of kirant} and their king is called DRUK GYALPO(DRAGON KING).Khamer people have mythology they came from assam nagaland and their anciestor were kiranti naga and their main deity is nag{snake}.Serpents, or nagas, play a particularly important role in Cambodian mythology. A well-known story explains the emergence of the Khmer people from the union of Indian and indigenous {kirant} elements, the latter being represented as nagas. According to the story, an Indian brahmana named Kaundinya came to Cambodia , which at the time was under the dominion of the naga king. The naga princess Soma sallied forth to fight against the invader but was defeated. Presented with the option of marrying the victorious Kaundinya, Soma readily agreed to do so, and together they ruled the land. The Khmer people are their descendants.[Same thing naga people of mayanmar –Burma their main god is nag{snake}.This nag worship system is flourished from assam to nepal,japan,china,korea and in west as well.Still in vietname many of the ancient temple are guardian by dragon.The king lalit of kathmandu nepal he brought Rato machindra nath from Assam because that time kathmandu was fall In drought.He believe rato machindra can bring rainfall. The word Naga in the Sanskrit language means snake or serpent. It seems likely that the Naga{kiranti} people were a serpent-worshipping group who were later described as serpents themselves in ancient Indian literature. This transformation or identification was much like the Vanaras (forest-dwelling humans) turning unto monkeys in the later literature.This can prove ancient one group of kiranti people used to worship snake and their king ruled with bearing snake in their throne so they were given a name naga king.Who ruled with bearing nag.Arjuna's conquests after Kurukhsetra WarCountless was the fete of Kshatriyas, of kings in myriads, who fought with Arjuna on the occasion of his military campaign to collect tribute for Yudhisthira's Ashwamedha sacrifice, for having lost their kinsmen on the field of Kurukshetra. Innumerable Kiratas also and Yavanas, all excellent bowmen, and diverse tribes of Mlechechas too, who had been discomfited before (by the Pandavas on the field of Kurukshetra), and many Arya kings, possessed of soldiers and animals, encountered Arjuna in battle (14,73). He battled with the Kasis, the Angas, the Kosalas, the Kiratas, and the Tanganas (14,83)Other ReferencesSiva and KiratasSiva who dwelled in Kailasa (Kailas range in Tibet) is mentioned as assuming the disguise of a Kirata and fighting with Arjuna in high-Himalayas (3-39,49).Siva and parbati is having incarnation of kirant and kirantni in swasthani brata katha and living around pasupatinath area like slesh mantak ban. Maha Shiva Puran described Mahadev was as a chieftain of kirat tribe. Siva sometimes assumes the form of Kiratas, Pisachas and Savaras, or that of any exotic tribes (13,14).Lord siva was clearly mentioned as kiranti cast in RIGABED which is oldest among the 4 beds.He is also mentioned as kailas pati kiranteswore mahadev.In very beginning in bed he was only simple kiranti god that time Aryan viewed him as destroyer but later he was promoted as mahadev in puranic and mahavarat time.There is no doubt he was kirant because of his nature and structure.Parbati was also kiranti women who born in himalaya her father was himalaya that time only the kirantis were aborigine in that area.Kirant women are as mighty as man they used to kill Bear and tiger when they go to jungle.Perhaps Aryan people might appreciating power of kiranti lady in that time calling many name KALI,KAPALI,BHADRAKALI,DURGA,CHANDI etc Because CHANDI DEVI is main deitys of kiranti people and considered mighty kiranti lady.Still Tripura people naga people they worship these goddess in various forms and names normally worship goddess with sacrificing animal and even human being in ancient time is done by kiranti people.Still tripura people practice this kind of religion they have own their name for all the hindu goddess like kali,durga,chandi etc.Bramhin people never seen worship goddess with sacrificing blood.Even hindu religion itself was not belongs to Aryan later they stolen.all of these goddess and god where already exist before Aryan vedic people invade India.which is proved by Japanese and Chinese historians.Lord Buddha was rebelling against hindu religion the cast sytem and that time of hindu people viewed him as demon but later because of his popularity hindu people put him as 9th incarnation of God Bisnu Which is redicules.Valmiki and KiratasValmiki was born into this hunter tribe{kiranti birth name was Ratnakar} but due to his whisdom and saintly personality he became a Brahmana who learned Sanskrit. He is the writer of the Ramayana.Absence of Bhrahmins among KiratasThe Mekalas, the Dravidas, the Lathas, the Paundras, the Konwasiras, the Saundikas, the Daradas, the Darvas, the Chauras, the Savaras, the Varvaras, the Kiratas, the Yavanas, and numerous other tribes of Kshatriyas, have become degraded into the status of Sudras through the absence of Brahmanas. (13,35)There is Doubt about Rawan as well eventhough It’s not real but only story because name of the rawan’s sister was SUBARNA KHAN.The KHAN word is only used by mongol tribe.In Mongolia and turkey{mongoloied people}used to say khan for their ruler and khanate for place where the ruler ruled.Like ghengis khan and khanate is Mongolia ulan batar.later who claimed the descendant of mongol people they used to put khan title.Nowadays you can find khan title in Pakistan but they are not mongol but they took that title because of high prestige.KIRANTI CONNECTIONS WITH CHINESE.Which I alredy mentioned that kiranti territories was very vast which touches inner part of china as well and they have very friendly and unique friendship to each other being as same yellow rece who fought in mahabharat and against this indo Aryan people who were invader of Indian continent.Their ancister were came from middle east {IRAN} 1500 BC.It is mentioned that DEVA used to drink SOMA RASH in ancient time.This soma rash means wine made from a kind of plant.This word is not Indian word,The word came from iran and afganstan.Still afgani and irani people use to say SOME For wine.It can clearly proved that Aryan {CHETRIS AND BRAMHINS}anciestor were irani The kiranti people and Chinese people have very good frendship to each other in the time of mahavarata . I would like to take reference from mahabharat epic battle.China (Cinaratha) in the Epic of Mahabharata It is well known that in the Mahabharata the Cinas appear with the Kiratas among the armies of king Bhagadatta of Pragjyotisa or Assam . In the Sabhaparvan this king is described as surrounded by the Kiratas and the Cinas. In the Bhismaparvan, the corps of Bhagadatta, consisting of the Kiratas and the Cinas of yellow color, appeared like a forest of Karnikaras . It is significant that the Kiratas represented all the people living to the east of India in the estimation of the geographers of the Puranas. Even the dwellers of the islands of the Eastern Archipelago were treated as Kiratas in the Epics. The reference to their wealth of gold, silver, gems, sandal, aloewood, textiles and fabrics clearly demonstrates their association with the regions included in Suvarnadvipa. Thus, the connection of the Kiratas and Cinas is a sure indication of the fact that the Indians came to know of the Chinese through the eastern routes and considered them as an eastern people, having affinities to the Kiratas, who were the Indo-Mongoloids, inhabiting the Tibeto-Burman regions and the Himalayan and East Indian territories,{all afganstan ,Pakistan,India{himalyan range}to Cambodia and Vietnam as well. the word Kirata being a derivation from kiranti or kirati, the name of a group of people in eastern Nepal. In early Indian literature China is invariably shown to be connected with India by a land-route across the country of the Kiratas in the mountainous regions of the north. In the Vanaparvan of the Mahabharata the Pandava brothers are said to have crossed the country of the Cinas in course of their trek through the Himalayan territory north of Badri and reached the realm of the Kirata king Subahu. The Cinas are brought into intimate relationship with the Himalayan people (Haimavatas) in the Sabhaparvan also. The land of the Haimavatas is undoubtedly the Himavantappadesa of the Pali texts, which has been identified with Tibet or Nepal . In the Sasanavamsa this region is stated to be Cinarattha. Thus, it is clear that China was known to the Indians as lying across the Himalayas and was accordingly included in the Himalayan territories. In the Nagarjunikonda inscription of Virapurusdatta , China (Cina) is said to be lying in the Himalayas beyond Cilata or Kirata. These references to the proximity of China to the Himalayan regions, inhabited by the Kiratas, show that there were regular routes through the Tibeto-Burman territories, along which the Indians could reach China .There is myth and written in many hindu religion book KIRANTESWORE{LORD SIVA}was created SANGRILA In kiranti country HIMALAYAN RANGE like NEPAL,BHUTAN AND NORTH PART OF INDIA,where the living being never have sorrow,poor,and sickness which is like heaven.Still many yogi from India went to himalaya in search of SANGRILLA.What can we get khowledge with that myth is that it can clearly shows economic status of kiranti people and their That time of Chinese and India Aryan people’s connection was clearly through the kiranti land and kiranti people which is mentioned in mahavarat.
(Source: The Soul of India ­ by Amaury de Riencourt p 141 and 161).China and kirant in Ramayan.Kiskindhakanda of Valmiki's Ramayana makes reference to Cinas as well as Parama-Cinas and associates them with the trans-Himalayan tribes of the Daradas, Kambojas, the Yavanas, the Sakas, the Kiratas, the Bahlikas, the Rishikas, and the Tañkanas of the Uttarapatha. [4].The epic literature asserts that the Cinas, Khasas, Hunas, Shakas, Kambojas, Yavanas, Pahlavas, Kiratas, Sinhalas, Mlechchas etc were created by sage
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